Help Recover a Banned TikTok Account

Step-By-Step Guide
Help by Reaching out to TikTok Support
​(No Account Needed - See Method #1 & #3)

What you can do...

Hi, I'm Britain Simons!
Creator • Truth • Healing
Banned at 322K Followers ❌ 

Thank you so much for all the support over the years! I love this community so much and you have been a huge part of that!

What you can do...

Stand Up! Protect our Community. A free Society needs Freedom from censorship to Share Ideas. Time to Work Together to fix This! 

(Optional, if you're Using Instagram) 
Open this page in an External Browser
​​so you don't lose your spot!

Now the Fun Part!

Three Different Methods!

If you would like to recover your account, help me, or another creator get their TikTok page Back, there's one simple thing YOU Can Do.
Get TikTok's attention
. File a Report.

This is a tool you can use anytime you feel unfairly targeted by competitors, the algorithm, or harsh review. From your personal profile on TikTok, you can "Submit a Report" to let the support teams know that you want this account back up! I'll show you the simple steps below:

Method A.

(No TikTok Account Needed)

Step #1

Step #2

Step #1

Simple, but least effective.
They may not reply.
Try this...

Check below for
best responses.

Simple, but least effective. They may not reply.
Tap this to begin...

Step #2

Check below for
best response.

Don't Know What to Say?
(copy & paste)

Britain Simons, known as @britainsimons has helped me personally and has contributed positively to this community. His content is wholesome, well researched, with official sources, and quality educational content. There have been no issues on any other platforms with his wonderful original videos. All are good standing. Please restore his account to good standing.

Don't Know What to Say?
(copy & paste) Insert the Banned account if helping another user. 

Britain Simons, known as @britainsimons has helped me personally and has contributed positively to this community. His content is wholesome, well researched, with official sources, and quality educational content. There have been no issues on any other platforms with his wonderful original videos. All are good standing. Please restore his account to good standing.

Method B.

TikTok - Report a Problem.
(No TikTok Account? See Method C.)

Step #1

Step #2

Tap the Menu button 
​on *Your TikTok profile,
to navigate to Support.

Tap the ⚙️ icon 
(Settings & Privacy)

Step #1

Tap the Menu button 
​on *Your TikTok profile, to navigate to Support.

Step #2

Tap the ⚙️ icon 
(Settings & Privacy)

Step #3

Step #4

Step #3

At the Bottom,
Tap the 🏳️ icon 
(Report a Problem)

Scroll to the Bottom again.
(Note: to see or check
filed reports, tap the top Right icon)

At the Bottom,
Tap the 🏳️ icon 
(Report a Problem)

Step #4

Scroll to the Bottom again.
(Note: to see or check
filed reports, tap the top Right icon)

Step #5

Step #6

Step #5

At the Bottom,
Tap the Button 
(Submit a Report)

At the Bottom,
Tap the 🏳️ icon 
(Submit a Report)

Write whatever you feel 
would help the TikTok Moderators
see value in the targeted account. E.g.

Step #6

Write whatever you feel 
would help the TikTok Moderators
see value in the targeted account. E.g.

My Account Info:
Britain Simons

Don't Know What to Say?

Britain Simons, known as @britainsimons has helped me personally and has contributed positively to this community. His content is wholesome, well researched, with official sources, and quality educational content. There have been no issues on any other platforms with his wonderful original videos. All are good standing. Please restore his account to good standing. 
Bullet points for Appeal…
•I believe his account has been targeted by competitor industries
•I believe the unexplained banning is more algorithm based rather than actual inappropriate content
•I would like TikTok to work DIRECTLY with the creator, one on one, with an understanding of what’s acceptable and what’s not
•I would like to see the creator continue to lead hundreds of thousands of followers, utilizing the best holistic health products that the TikTok shop has to offer. Which, he has done far more than most ALL influencers.
•I would really like to see an actual LIVING TikTok team member work with him, as I believe this is a complete mistake. Please, figure out how to make it right.
• Please know ALL of the creators content is wholesome and rated PG, with little to no profanity, bullying or foul content, at all.
• You feel the creator willing to do whatever it takes to work with TikTok as a promoter of TikTok itself to maintain the good standing of the account.
•I am willing to do whatever it takes to figure out why TikTok would ban such a wholesome account with PG rated content... that’s entire mission is to create more traffic to TikTok and help humanity!

(The Additional Options, Courtesy of Blessed Botanicals)

Thank You for Your Help! 🥳

My Account Info:
Britain Simons

Don't Know What to Say?

Britain Simons, known as @britainsimons has helped me personally and has contributed positively to this community. His content is wholesome, well researched, with official sources, and quality educational content. There have been no issues on any other platforms with his wonderful original videos. All are good standing. Please restore his account to good standing.

Bullet points for Appeal…
•I believe his account has been targeted by competitor industries
•I believe the unexplained banning is more algorithm based rather than actual inappropriate content
•I would like TikTok to work DIRECTLY with the creator, one on one, with an understanding of what’s acceptable and what’s not
•I would like to see the creator continue to lead hundreds of thousands of followers, utilizing the best holistic health products that the TikTok shop has to offer. Which, he has done far more than most ALL influencers.
•I would really like to see an actual LIVING TikTok team member work with him, as I believe this is a complete mistake. Please, figure out how to make it right.
• Please know ALL of the creators content is wholesome and rated PG, with little to no profanity, bullying or foul content, at all.
• You feel the creator willing to do whatever it takes to work with TikTok as a promoter of TikTok itself to maintain the good standing of the account.
•I am willing to do whatever it takes to figure out why TikTok would ban such a wholesome account with PG rated content... that’s entire mission is to create more traffic to TikTok and help humanity!

(The Additional Options, Courtesy of Blessed Botanicals)

Hi, I'm Britain Simons!
Creator • Truth • Healing
Banned at 322K Followers ❌ 

Stand Up! Protect our Community. A free Society needs Freedom from censorship to Share Ideas. Time to Work Together to fix This! 

Let's Get Through to a Real Person! 

Method C.

Online Form.
(No TikTok Account Needed)

Step #1

Tap Below to Open this TikTok link 
in your Browser (Safari, Chrome, etc.)

Tap Below to Open this TikTok link
in your Browser (Safari, Chrome, etc.)

Tap Below to Open this TikTok link 
in your Browser (Safari, Chrome, etc.)


Step #2

Choose one of these reporting options, or do all three. You can submit as many times as you want! 

Choose one of these reporting options, or do all three. You can submit as many times as you want, one at a time! 

Step #3

Again, Write whatever you feel
would help the TikTok Moderators ​see value in your account. E.g.

(Same Info.)
My Account Info:
Britain Simons

Don't Know What to Say?

Britain Simons, known as @britainsimons has helped me personally and has contributed positively to this community. His content is wholesome, well researched with official sources, and quality educational content. There have been no issues on any other platforms with his wonderful original videos. All are good standing. Please restore his account to good standing.

Bullet points for Appeal…
•I believe his account has been targeted by competitor industries
•I believe the unexplained banning is more algorithm based rather than actual inappropriate content
•I would like TikTok to work DIRECTLY with the creator, one on one, with an understanding of what’s acceptable and what’s not
•I would like to see the creator continue to lead hundreds of thousands of followers, utilizing the best holistic health products that the TikTok shop has to offer. Which, he has done far more than most ALL influencers.
•I would really like to see an actual LIVING TikTok team member work with him, as I believe this is a complete mistake. Please, figure out how to make it right.
• Please know ALL of the creators content is wholesome and rated PG, with little to no profanity, bullying or foul content, at all.
• You feel the creator willing to do whatever it takes to work with TikTok as a promoter of TikTok itself to maintain the good standing of the account.
•I am willing to do whatever it takes to figure out why TikTok would ban such a wholesome account with PG rated content... that’s entire mission is to create more traffic to TikTok and help humanity!

​(The Additional Options, Courtesy of Blessed Botanicals)

Again, Write whatever you feel
would help the TikTok Moderators ​see value in your account. E.g.

(Same Info.)
My Account Info:

Britain Simons

Don't Know What to Say?

Britain Simons, known as @britainsimons has helped me personally and has contributed positively to this community. His content is wholesome, well researched, with official sources, and quality educational content. There have been no issues on any other platforms with his wonderful original videos. All are good standing. Please restore his account to good standing.

Bullet points for Appeal…
•I believe his account has been targeted by competitor industries
•I believe the unexplained banning is more algorithm based rather than actual inappropriate content
•I would like TikTok to work DIRECTLY with the creator, one on one, with an understanding of what’s acceptable and what’s not
•I would like to see the creator continue to lead hundreds of thousands of followers, utilizing the best holistic health products that the TikTok shop has to offer. Which, he has done far more than most ALL influencers.
•I would really like to see an actual LIVING TikTok team member work with him, as I believe this is a complete mistake. Please, figure out how to make it right.
• Please know ALL of the creators content is wholesome and rated PG, with little to no profanity, bullying or foul content, at all.
• You feel the creator willing to do whatever it takes to work with TikTok as a promoter of TikTok itself to maintain the good standing of the account.
•I am willing to do whatever it takes to figure out why TikTok would ban such a wholesome account with PG rated content... that’s entire mission is to create more traffic to TikTok and help humanity!

(The Additional Options, Courtesy of Blessed Botanicals)

Thank You for Your Help! 🥳

Get To Know Britain Simons

 SERIOUSLY GOOD STUFF! 40,000+ Followers Strong.
360,000+ when I get my account back!
Free content made for YOU. 


Note: This Process may take weeks and many tries. The people working on the other end really don't care about us, they just want to take the path of least resistance. Don't let them dismiss or forget us.

Be Kind. Be Persistent. Be Concise. Submit Everyday until they listen.

Let me know how it goes! 

I believe you Can Absolutely
enjoy a better life.

  • Trust: Sometimes the reason we choose to take the harder road is because we don't want to get burned by something or someone that looks too good to be true. There is still good in this world. This is a tight knit operation because our values come first. Trust the answers will come as you need them, and we will do our best to serve you on that path.
  • Act: Too many are swayed by the wind. They let the stress, disappointment and loss steer the ship. From this moment forward make the conscious decision that you will climb out of the darkness and build a life that makes you excited again. We can only give you the tools and point the way, but you have to put in the work. Period.
  • Breakthrough: I don't know everything. No one does, but I will use all my energy to pay it forward with what I do know. Magical things can come from a group of people with a singular purpose. That is a force of light, joy, and healing so powerful that no social media platform can censor or shut down. At the bare minimum, email contact means we can always find each other again.